E: Scott.hambleton@infinitumpartners.com.au
P: 0448 855 274
Scott is a highly accomplished land use planner having held a diverse range of roles within Australia’s third largest local government for over 10 years, and now working privately, Scott is a technical expert in both development assessment and strategic planning having held senior positions in both disciplines.
This breadth of experience has given him a thorough and applied knowledge of the Queensland planning framework, legislation, policy development, and implementation.
He is driven and determined to achieve quality outcomes and is recognised as a consistent performer, effective communicator, and accomplished project manager.
Scott enjoys working collaboratively and forging strong working partnerships with clients, other consultants and local governments to drive these outcomes. He has fulfilled a range of high-level, high pressure planning positions and has consistently been recognised by his peers as a strong up-and-comer in the field.
Prior to joining Infinitum Partners, Scott worked at Moreton Bay Regional Council (MBRC) and brings an additional wealth of local government knowledge and understanding to the team. At MBRC Scott was involved in important Council projects including the Regional Growth Management Strategy 2041, a variety of development applications as assessment manager, and performed as the development services appeal coordinator for a range of small and large-scale appeals.
These experiences have generated a comprehensive understanding of the technical aspects of urban and regional planning including the intersection of infrastructure planning and charging with land use planning and provided him with the ability to distil complex concepts into easy-to-understand language to convey to a range of stakeholders.
I enjoy the diversity of projects, disciplines and clients we deal with everyday – especially those that involve more complex development applications, strategic planning and advice for regional councils. And for me, continued relationship building and simplified communication is at the heart of it all.-Scott Hambleton

- Development Assessment
- Strategic Land Use Planning
- Approval Facilitation
- Infrastructure Agreements
- Infrastructure Charging
- Procurement
- Project Delivery
- Project Management
- Community Engagement
- ePlanning Solutions