E: Kate.isles@infinitumpartners.com.au
P: 0467 716 213
Kate is an established leader in land use planning in Australia having worked both within government and privately over the past near 20 years.
Kate has worked in senior line management positions and as a client advisor and project facilitator as well as holding executive positions within one of Australia’s third largest local governments.
She specialises in business improvement and team performance coupled with a deep technical capacity across the government sector in strategic planning, development assessment, resilience and adaption, urban planning policy, community engagement, project management, project delivery and feasibility analysis.
Her facilitation and negotiation skills have enabled her to establish partnerships at a local, state, national and international level and is renowned for her community consultation and stakeholder engagement skills. Her experience sets her apart from her peers as she can easily adapt to her targeted audience whether that be a customer, the community, a politician, a colleague or a team member. Kate has extensive Queensland Government experience and is known for her award-winning work with the Queensland Reconstruction Authority as the Director of Land Use Planning.
More recently, Kate has driven multi-award-winning teams within Australia’s third largest local government, Moreton Bay Regional Council. Over her four and half years Kate has led with determination, passion and commitment to rebuild the profile of service delivery in local government. She has taken the team’s performance to one that is sought after and recognised across the country by not only the development industry but by fellow government agencies.
She practices what she preaches and is a small business owner in her own right having established two coffee shop businesses for over six years ago and now co-Director of Infinitum Partners.
Kate has been heavily involved in Industry activities including having held a range of Board member appointments including the Planning Institute of Australia as well as the Queensland Reconstruction Authority. A highlight with PIA was the role out of the first Mentoring Program in Queensland.
I am well known for my passion and energy that I bring to the planning profession and team performance. My style combines empathy and passion balanced with commitment, drive and expected performance. This enables me to work within a team, building a team and taking us on a journey together. This journey has led to teams that are now multi-award winning, that have an embedded positive and vibrant culture balanced with exceptional performance and high customer satisfaction.-Kate Isles

- Senior and Executive Management
- Team Building and Performance
- Business Improvement
- Workshop Facilitation
- Development Assessment
- Expert Witness
- Strategic Land Use Planning
- Approval Facilitation
- Commercial Negotiation
- Community Engagement
- Infrastructure Agreements
- Project Management and Delivery
- ePlanning Solutions
- Natural Hazard and Resilience Planning
- Feasibility and Funding Assistance
- Graphic Design and Presentation

There’s a strong chance that if you have a planning need, Kate’s likely seen it before.